
Unless stated otherwise, the opinions expressed here are mine only. I do my best to research issues before stating an opinion. I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time without notice as I learn new facts or listen to others. Your opinion matters to me!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

What will be on the Ballot?

Enter your address into Ballotpedia and it will return a list of all candidates for all offices and issues on the ballot in the particular jurisdiction in which you live.  It doesn't matter in which State or City you live in.  Check it out here.  

One of the most important things that will be on your ballot, no matter where you live is for the office of President of the United States.

I have friends and family who provided me with the following interesting food for thought.

Evan McMullin
If you don't know about Evan, he is a possible write-in candidate for president.  He is not affiliated with any political party.  You can type his name into google and find out all about him if you want.  He is gaining momentum in Utah.

Check with your Secretary of State for a list of legal write-in candidates in your state.  You can also look at other offices to see who the other write-in candidates are as well.  Here is a link for Arizona:

Quoting friends and family:
"Evan McMullin can actually win this election, but his strategy is different than what we're used to. If he can win at least 1 state, it might be enough to block both Trump and Hillary from the required 270 electoral votes to win. According to the 12th Amendment, this would throw the election to the House of Representatives, who would then choose the next president out of Trump, Hillary, or Evan McMullin. The House is controlled by the Republicans, so they would never choose Hillary. Many of them don't like Trump, and since their own bids for reelection will be over, they can drop their support (if they ever had any) for him. Also, Evan McMullin has literally been working with the Republicans in the House for the past few years, so they all know him. He also aligns with them on more issues than Trump does. It's very likely that in a 12th Amendment situation, the House would choose Evan as the President!"

Here is a comparison of the top candidates for President:

How important is the Presidential race?  It is the most importance political decision of my life.

If Hillary is at the helm of the ship, our nation is headed for an iceberg that will bring us down.   Our country is drowning in debt and marching to the tune of a Socialist agenda.  The Clintons will drive us over the edge.  I seriously fear for our freedoms!

Is our only hope (remote as it is) to have a Republican controlled congress with a Republican President?  

Is voting for Trump the only way to achieve that?

Do you really think with such a little time left until the election that a 3rd party candidate can win?

Do you really think there is even the most remote chance a write-in candidate now can or would be elected by the House of Representatives?  To me this extreme long shot will be realized only in our dreams. 

Is voting for Trump the only way to keep the Clintons out of the White House?

Is voting your "conscience" (meaning voting for the person you feel is truly the most qualified) more important than keeping the Clintons out of the White House? 

Someone, please save me from my fears!  If I have to pull the lever in favor of Trump I might get deathly ill!  He makes me sick!  But out of fear there is a strong possibility I will vote for Trump anyway.

Someone, please save me from my fears!

All of us should have been involved long ago!

I urge you to get involved and the best way I know is to take the courses for the Center for Self Governance, learn the Constitution and become part of a small team focused on a specific branch of government, local-State-or National.

Here is a link to the CSG where you can learn about classes in your area.

Center for Self-Governance

Here is a blog post I wrote on how to get involved.


  1. Please vote Trump, too late for third party. Why do think the Clintons (Media) keeps talking about this. They want to divide the vote.

    1. If I vote for him and that is IF--- the only reason will be to defeat Hillary. If Trump would say less the media would have less fodder. His problems are his own creation. A 3rd party doesn't stand a chance, but I don't think Trump has a chance either because of Trump himself.

    2. I agree that a third party win is such a long-shot as to be laughable. More laughable, however, is to think that Trump will be the savior of the Republican party. He has already caused a civil war in the party. Why hand doggedly to someone who will splinter the party so much that we will lose both the presidency and congressional seats? At least with Clinton in the White House, conservatives has something to rally against.

    3. I have changed my mind. Watch for a new post coming out soon. "Trick or Trump---Election Day--the scariest day of the year"


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