
Unless stated otherwise, the opinions expressed here are mine only. I do my best to research issues before stating an opinion. I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time without notice as I learn new facts or listen to others. Your opinion matters to me!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Trick or Trump


I received several comments on my last post "Who to Vote for" which prompted me to prepare a new post about the Presidential Race.

First, let me say I do not intend to stir up hard feelings among my friends and people I respect.  Let us express our opinions respectfully and thoughtfully.  The Presidential race is a very important one, but not more important than my family and friends.  Election Day 2016 is truly the Scariest Day of the Year!  

One commenter addressed my particular personal concerns about the Presidential race that I want to share and its impact on me.

I present those reasons as the 'Trick or 'Trump' of election day, the scariest day of the year.

   1. Donald Trump will appoint a conservative to the supreme court.
       Trick. Hillary will appoint a liberal judge. Will Trump really appoint a conservative to the supreme court?  He is so unpredictable you cannot be sure about that.  Trump's condemnation of a sitting Judge simply because of his Spanish heritage suggests Trump doesn't understand what it takes to be a good judge and that Trump will base his judgment on petty issues.   

  2. We need a Republican in the White House.
      Trick.   I agree it would be of tremendous value to have a Republican president with a Republican controlled House and Senate.  The problem is Trump is not a true conservative or a real Republican.  He was a Democrat from 2001 to 2008 and it was difficult to tell what he was prior to that.  Now during the most important race of my life time he has disavowed the Republican Party.  Worse, Trump is so destructive to the Republican Party that he will likely be a cause of the Republicans losing seats in Congress and in state elections. Republican candidates are distancing themselves from Trump because it weakens their chance for election or re-election.  What will the situation be after a few years of Trump in the White House - will the Republican party be stronger or weaker or even exist?  Will Congress be more Republican or less?  Will he be inclined to work with the Republican leadership in Congress whom he now treats as enemies or is he determined to do just his own thing?  

  3.  Trump is the only chance to beat Hillary Clinton.
       Trick.  Now this is the ONLY reason I would vote for Trump, but Trump has disrupted the political landscape within the Republican party so bad that the now splintered Republican party doesn't stand a chance to beat Clinton, in my opinion!  Every time Trump opens his mouth he widens the gap and fractures the Republican party further.  Vice President nominee, Pence can't even defend Trump.  The media doesn't make this stuff up.  I have seen Trump time and time again put his foot in his mouth.

  4. Trump will make America great again.

      Trick.  He has repeatedly demonstrated an inclination to lie, ignore facts and do whatever is best for "Trump" and Trump alone.  In my opinion he doesn't understand the Constitution and has a willingness and inclination to ignore it.  Many political analysist say his policies have the potential to be more destructive than Hillary's policies. His actual words and lack of intelligent logic do not engender confidence in his abilities on the world stage or in America.  To me he is divisive and lacking in serious judgment.  

Trump or Trick?  I want neither.

I reveal who I will vot for in this post:

We have a Democracy only 1 day out of the year.  We have a Republic 365 days out of the year.  The problem is that most of us do not have a clue what it means to have a Republic or how to exercise our Civic Authority.  

If you truly want to make a difference in America, find where the Center for Self-Governance is teaching their classes.  Start with Level 1 and end with Level 5 and you will be part of a powerful Team who through development of game plans can and are making a true difference in America.


At least watch the videos found on NATIONAL CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES.


  1. Great analysis. Few people truly understand the political system and few are involved outside of Election Day. If we really want to have a say, we must be more involved throughout the year.

  2. Very good analysis. I don't know if it is the most important race of your lifetime (in fact, I take that phrase as a Trick the Dempublicans use to keep us from breaking the duopoly), but it maybe be by far the most dismal and tragic in what it reveals and creates in the electorate.


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