
Unless stated otherwise, the opinions expressed here are mine only. I do my best to research issues before stating an opinion. I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time without notice as I learn new facts or listen to others. Your opinion matters to me!

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Constitution: Do you understand it?

Follow this link for the Constitution: Click here=>  United States Constitution

The following are links to the best places I have found to understand the United States Constitution


The National Center for Constitutional Studies has free Constitutional Classes in the form of videos presented by Mr. Earl Taylor.  There are also inexpensive books that are worth reading.  I highly recommend becoming familiar with this site if you want to understand the Constitution.

Most people do not realize the form of our government is a Republic not a Democracy.  The Center for Self Governance offers instructions on the constitution as well as teaches what it means to have a Republic.

SELF-GOVERNANCE is "A self-determined person exercising individual liberty for the maintenance and shared control of the governance system".

 The foundation of self-governance is that the control of a system of government is in the hands of those that build and maintain it.  Self-governance is not completely self-evident, but must be learned. 

The Center for Self-Governance offers amazing classes at a nominal fee to teach the Constitution as well as how to maintain the unique "System" of government we have.  I highly recommend these classes to you as they will give you the know-how and power to truly make changes in your government and maintain the Republic through strategic planning.  If you take the courses, and choose to do so, you will be able to participate as a team in your neighborhood or community to exercise your Civic Authority in amazing ways.

Get more information about them and learn when and where their training will occur in your area.


If you are ready to become part of a Team in your area and really make a difference, check out their schedule of classes in your area and if you are interested in checking out our team in Mesa, Arizona, send me a message at   defenditnow@gmail.com

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