Quoting from Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
"Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) is a legal requirement that federal agencies and federal grantees further the purposes of the Fair Housing Act. HUD's AFFH rule provides an effective planning approach to aid program participants in taking meaningful actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination."
You can read the full text AFFH Text
You can be trained by HUD and receive education credits at this link:
HUD has probably already prepared a map for your community mapping such things as income level, ethnicity, etc---see list below
Here is a result of one of the maps for Mesa.
This "New Rule" by HUD is in direct connection to Agenda 21 signed by George W Bush and promoted by Hillary and Obama. You can watch a video and read the full text of Hillary's speech at the Brazil summit here:
This "New Rule" by HUD is in direct connection to Agenda 21 signed by George W Bush and promoted by Hillary and Obama. You can watch a video and read the full text of Hillary's speech at the Brazil summit here:
Every home-owner should be shaking in their boots knowing what HUD is planning for your community.
The AFFH Training material cited above makes it clear, the Federal government feels they have the legal authority to dictate where you live and who your neighbors will be to ensure the "rights" of the "Protected Classes".
You will begin to see a very concerted effort by your City government for data collection to complete the creation of ethnic and diversity maps of each community according to a deadline put forth by HUD and forceful steps will be taken to integrate the protected classes into communities that do not comply with a Federal Government HUD standard of diversity.
The AFFH Training material cited above makes it clear, the Federal government feels they have the legal authority to dictate where you live and who your neighbors will be to ensure the "rights" of the "Protected Classes".
You will begin to see a very concerted effort by your City government for data collection to complete the creation of ethnic and diversity maps of each community according to a deadline put forth by HUD and forceful steps will be taken to integrate the protected classes into communities that do not comply with a Federal Government HUD standard of diversity.
This action by the Federal Government is unconstitutional and threatens our liberty on so many fronts we must resist it at all levels of government!
The idea that the reach of the federal government would be restricted to a few enumerated powers is articulated by James Madison in Federalist Paper No. 45:
“ | The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. " |
The powers of the Executive branch are:
- Military power; repreieves andpardons
- Treaties; appointments
- Filling vacancies
- Messsages; extra sessions; receiving ambassadors
- Execution of the laws
The power currently being exercised by HUD and the iron fisted regulation to be imposed by AFFH goes way beyond the limited and defined powers delegated to the Federal Government.
Right now, it is almost certain the Planning and Zoning directors and the Action committees appointed by your City Councils over "Housing and Urban development" are receiving the above AFFH training and are coerced into compliance at the threat of losing millions in government grant money. Our cities and non-profit organizations would cry bloody murder if the faucet of grant money were turned off.
Right now, it is almost certain the Planning and Zoning directors and the Action committees appointed by your City Councils over "Housing and Urban development" are receiving the above AFFH training and are coerced into compliance at the threat of losing millions in government grant money. Our cities and non-profit organizations would cry bloody murder if the faucet of grant money were turned off.
What can you do about it?
Take the courses from the Center for Self-Governance and become part of a Team who understands the Constitution and is teamed together to mend the breeches in the Constitution!
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