
Unless stated otherwise, the opinions expressed here are mine only. I do my best to research issues before stating an opinion. I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time without notice as I learn new facts or listen to others. Your opinion matters to me!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


The following is a true story!

My partner and I walked into a fancy law firm in down town Mesa and asked to see the supervisor of the business.  The supervisor seeing the police uniform and gun sensed things were not exactly right and invited my partner and I into her office.  We then told her we were there to arrest one of her employees.  Not wanting to make a scene, she asked us to wait just out the front door.  We obliged and were standing outside the door when a nice looking well dress woman in high heels came outside and asked what was going on.  

You should have seen the look of shock on her face when we told her we were there to arrest her! My partner explained she had failed to appear in court on an issue dealing with domestic violence.  She was crying explaining how she had endured abuse and now she was being arrested!  How could that be?!  I was feeling sympathetic to her cause and thinking maybe we needed to go reason with the judge, but my partner kindly explained our duty was to follow the orders of the judge and asked her to come with us peacefully.

He handcuffed her, put her in the police van and we hauled her off to court.  We stayed with her through the process.  She saw the judge, was ordered to pay some money and renew her address with MVD and then my partner and I took her back to work.

Next my partner and I rushed off to the scene of a couple fighting in the parking lot of a Jack in the Box at Main and Val Vista.  They were in an argument what to do next after they had been sitting in their car and 20 random young men came up with baseball bats and broke all the windows in their car while they were sitting in the parking lot!  There was indeed glass everywhere.  We checked their auto registration and found the auto to have an expired registration.  Now that the auto had broken glass and no registration they could not legally drive the car anywhere.  My partner interviewed them some more.  We couldn't really do much so advised them to get someone to help move their car.  My partner said this was all part of a drug war and they showed all the signs of being druggies.  There wasn't any more we could do, so left.

Next my partner and I made a high speed chase trying to catch up to a car we thought was being driven by a man who had a $300,000 reward on his head.  When the car pulled into a drive way and he got out, it wasn't our man, so we smiled and waved and drove on to our next adventure.

This time we went to a woman's house who had graffiti on her garage door and sidewalk.  This poor woman had been harassed for the last 4 years with phone calls, messages, emails with lewd pictures and messages, entry into her home, threats to family and friends, etc.  While there the bad guy actually called her several times.  We were recording the conversation between the woman and the bad guy without the bad guy knowing.  Finally my partner broke into the conversation and talked to the bad guy and told him to leave her alone.  Then we took the woman to the City Court with a stack of emails she had received over the years and helped her filed an order of protection against the bad guy.  Because of my partner's diligence and persistence, this is the first time this woman has had the courage to do something solid to stand up against evil.

Wow!  What a day.  We worked all day and didn't even have time for lunch.  At the end of the day a message had come across the computer saying the City was at "Critical Service Levels" and there was a general call for officers to work another 6 hours = 16 hour day.  I was too tired, so I went home.

So was accomplished my assignment with the Mesa Leadership Class to have a 'ride-along' with a City of Mesa Police Officer.  I don't want the job.

My take away from this experience:
  1. I have a new respect for the service being provided by our Police officers.  I find them to be a little big-headed, but it looks like a certain personality is really needed for this type job.  The Police are in harms way every minute of the day and have to deal with an element of society that moves about around us that the rest of us fear and want nothing to do with.
  2. I found this officer to be and I believe most officers are compassionate and really do want to help people, but they must be vigilant and ready for action at any moment.
  3. I feel stronger than ever that Question 1 the City of Mesa is pushing purportedly to fund Police and Fire is a big smoke screen.  The City Council has neglected the Police department for a long time, yet they always have money to do other less important projects.  Really Question is intended to pump money into the general fund for pet projects down town.  There is no guarantee the Police and Fire will get anything and the funds collected will be collected forever and used for whatever pet projects a Politically minded Mayor wants as his legacy. 
  4. If you really care about Police and Fire, vote no on Question 1.  Tell the council to analyze the budget they do have, get rid of the fluff and then if necessary propose the Question again with just Police and Fire and I would vote for it.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Arizona Brain Food and Question 1

I hope I have convinced all City of Mesa residents to vote 'NO' on Question 1.

Here is my analysis:  QUESTION 1: VOTE 'NO'

Mayor Giles, Mesa, is the biggest proponent of Question 1.  He appears in meetings all over the place, has call-in webinars, and recorded messages that come over the phone.

I was surprised to see that I am captured on the City of Mesa Facebook page talking to Mayor Giles discussing Question 1 as we were packing bags for Arizona Brain Food.    

Please vote 'NO'.  The Mayor is not telling the whole story.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Trick or Trump


I received several comments on my last post "Who to Vote for" which prompted me to prepare a new post about the Presidential Race.

First, let me say I do not intend to stir up hard feelings among my friends and people I respect.  Let us express our opinions respectfully and thoughtfully.  The Presidential race is a very important one, but not more important than my family and friends.  Election Day 2016 is truly the Scariest Day of the Year!  

One commenter addressed my particular personal concerns about the Presidential race that I want to share and its impact on me.

I present those reasons as the 'Trick or 'Trump' of election day, the scariest day of the year.

   1. Donald Trump will appoint a conservative to the supreme court.
       Trick. Hillary will appoint a liberal judge. Will Trump really appoint a conservative to the supreme court?  He is so unpredictable you cannot be sure about that.  Trump's condemnation of a sitting Judge simply because of his Spanish heritage suggests Trump doesn't understand what it takes to be a good judge and that Trump will base his judgment on petty issues.   

  2. We need a Republican in the White House.
      Trick.   I agree it would be of tremendous value to have a Republican president with a Republican controlled House and Senate.  The problem is Trump is not a true conservative or a real Republican.  He was a Democrat from 2001 to 2008 and it was difficult to tell what he was prior to that.  Now during the most important race of my life time he has disavowed the Republican Party.  Worse, Trump is so destructive to the Republican Party that he will likely be a cause of the Republicans losing seats in Congress and in state elections. Republican candidates are distancing themselves from Trump because it weakens their chance for election or re-election.  What will the situation be after a few years of Trump in the White House - will the Republican party be stronger or weaker or even exist?  Will Congress be more Republican or less?  Will he be inclined to work with the Republican leadership in Congress whom he now treats as enemies or is he determined to do just his own thing?  

  3.  Trump is the only chance to beat Hillary Clinton.
       Trick.  Now this is the ONLY reason I would vote for Trump, but Trump has disrupted the political landscape within the Republican party so bad that the now splintered Republican party doesn't stand a chance to beat Clinton, in my opinion!  Every time Trump opens his mouth he widens the gap and fractures the Republican party further.  Vice President nominee, Pence can't even defend Trump.  The media doesn't make this stuff up.  I have seen Trump time and time again put his foot in his mouth.

  4. Trump will make America great again.

      Trick.  He has repeatedly demonstrated an inclination to lie, ignore facts and do whatever is best for "Trump" and Trump alone.  In my opinion he doesn't understand the Constitution and has a willingness and inclination to ignore it.  Many political analysist say his policies have the potential to be more destructive than Hillary's policies. His actual words and lack of intelligent logic do not engender confidence in his abilities on the world stage or in America.  To me he is divisive and lacking in serious judgment.  

Trump or Trick?  I want neither.

I reveal who I will vot for in this post:

We have a Democracy only 1 day out of the year.  We have a Republic 365 days out of the year.  The problem is that most of us do not have a clue what it means to have a Republic or how to exercise our Civic Authority.  

If you truly want to make a difference in America, find where the Center for Self-Governance is teaching their classes.  Start with Level 1 and end with Level 5 and you will be part of a powerful Team who through development of game plans can and are making a true difference in America.


At least watch the videos found on NATIONAL CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

AZ Judges: Keep them or Dump Them?

In the past I have never known what to do about the question of Judges, so I would just blindly marked them.  But we can do better than that!


The Arizona Supreme Court is the highest court in Arizona. The court currently consists of one chief justice, a vice chief justice, and three associate justices. Justices are appointed by the governor from a list compiled by a bi-partisan commission. The justices are re-elected after an initial two-year term following their appointment. Subsequent re-elections occur every six years. 

The Arizona Court of Appeals, further divided into two divisions, is the intermediate court in the state. Division One, based in Phoenix, consists of 16 judges, and has jurisdiction in the western and northern regions of the state, along with the greater Phoenix area. Division Two is based in Tucson and has six judges.

Each county of Arizona has a Superior Court, which is a trial court of general jurisdiction. The size and organization of individual superior courts are varied and generally depend upon the size of the particular county

There are five justices on the Arizona Supreme Court, each appointed by the governor from a list of names compiled by the Arizona Commission on Appellate Court Appointments. The initial term of a new justice is at least two years, after which the justice stands for retention in an uncontested yes-no election. Subsequent terms last six years
There are 23 judges on the Arizona Court of Appeals, each appointed in an identical fashion to those of the Arizona Supreme Court (although with different job qualifications, as seen below). Like supreme court justices, court of appeals judges serve initial terms of at least two years and subsequent terms of six years
The 174 judges of the Arizona Superior Court are selected in one of two ways:
  • In counties with a population exceeding 250,000, judges are selected through the merit selection method. (OnlyPimaPinal and Maricopa counties currently subscribe to this method, though the constitution provides for other counties to adopt merit selection through ballot initiative). After appointment, judges serve for two years and then must run in a yes-no retention election in the next general election. If retained, judges will go on to serve a four-year term.[1]
  • In the state's other 13 counties, judges run in partisan primaries followed by nonpartisan general elections. Interim vacancies are filled through gubernatorial appointment, and newly appointed judges must run in the next general electio


The first way to be an informed voter is to visit JUDICIAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW

Watch this video on VOTING FOR JUDGES

The "2016 General Election Publicity Phamplet" also provides some pretty good information and a score for all of the judges.  See page 94

Since I am in Maricopa County, I can see how all of the judges performance reviews at this location:    MARICOPA COUNTY JUDICIAL REVIEW

You can click on each of the judges listed to get a more detailed report of their judicial review.

Based on my own personal assessment, I am voting YES on all the judges except: Garcia, Jeanne M and  Gentry, Jo Lynn

Friday, October 14, 2016


AFFH = Affirmtively Furthering Fair Housing

Quoting from Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
"Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) is a legal requirement that federal agencies and federal grantees further the purposes of the Fair Housing Act. HUD's AFFH rule provides an effective planning approach to aid program participants in taking meaningful actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination."

You can read the full text     AFFH Text

You can be trained by HUD and receive education credits at this link:

HUD has probably already prepared a map for your community mapping such things as income level, ethnicity, etc---see list below

Here is a result of one of the maps for Mesa.

This "New Rule" by HUD is in direct connection to Agenda 21 signed by George W Bush and promoted by Hillary and Obama.  You can watch a video and read the full text of Hillary's speech at the Brazil summit here:

Every home-owner should be shaking in their boots knowing what HUD is planning for your community.  

The AFFH Training material cited above makes it clear, the Federal government feels they have the legal authority to dictate where you live and who your neighbors will be to ensure the "rights" of the "Protected Classes".  

You will begin to see a very concerted effort by your City government for data collection to complete the creation of ethnic and diversity maps of each community according to a deadline put forth by HUD and forceful steps will be taken to integrate the protected classes into communities that do not comply with a Federal Government HUD standard of diversity.

This action by the Federal Government is unconstitutional and threatens our liberty on so many fronts we must resist it at all levels of government!

The idea that the reach of the federal government would be restricted to a few enumerated powers is articulated by James Madison in Federalist Paper No. 45:

The powers of the Executive branch are:
  1. Military power; repreieves andpardons
  2. Treaties; appointments
  3. Filling vacancies
  4. Messsages; extra sessions; receiving ambassadors
  5. Execution of the laws
The power currently being exercised by HUD and the iron fisted regulation to be imposed by AFFH goes way beyond the limited and defined powers delegated to the Federal Government.
Right now, it is almost certain the Planning and Zoning directors and the Action committees appointed by your City Councils over "Housing and Urban development" are receiving the above AFFH training and are coerced into compliance at the threat of losing millions in government grant money.  Our cities and non-profit organizations would cry bloody murder if the faucet of grant money were turned off.

What can you do about it?

Take the courses from the Center for Self-Governance and become part of a Team who understands the Constitution and is teamed together to mend the breeches in the Constitution!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

What will be on the Ballot?

Enter your address into Ballotpedia and it will return a list of all candidates for all offices and issues on the ballot in the particular jurisdiction in which you live.  It doesn't matter in which State or City you live in.  Check it out here.  

One of the most important things that will be on your ballot, no matter where you live is for the office of President of the United States.

I have friends and family who provided me with the following interesting food for thought.

Evan McMullin
If you don't know about Evan, he is a possible write-in candidate for president.  He is not affiliated with any political party.  You can type his name into google and find out all about him if you want.  He is gaining momentum in Utah.

Check with your Secretary of State for a list of legal write-in candidates in your state.  You can also look at other offices to see who the other write-in candidates are as well.  Here is a link for Arizona:

Quoting friends and family:
"Evan McMullin can actually win this election, but his strategy is different than what we're used to. If he can win at least 1 state, it might be enough to block both Trump and Hillary from the required 270 electoral votes to win. According to the 12th Amendment, this would throw the election to the House of Representatives, who would then choose the next president out of Trump, Hillary, or Evan McMullin. The House is controlled by the Republicans, so they would never choose Hillary. Many of them don't like Trump, and since their own bids for reelection will be over, they can drop their support (if they ever had any) for him. Also, Evan McMullin has literally been working with the Republicans in the House for the past few years, so they all know him. He also aligns with them on more issues than Trump does. It's very likely that in a 12th Amendment situation, the House would choose Evan as the President!"

Here is a comparison of the top candidates for President:

How important is the Presidential race?  It is the most importance political decision of my life.

If Hillary is at the helm of the ship, our nation is headed for an iceberg that will bring us down.   Our country is drowning in debt and marching to the tune of a Socialist agenda.  The Clintons will drive us over the edge.  I seriously fear for our freedoms!

Is our only hope (remote as it is) to have a Republican controlled congress with a Republican President?  

Is voting for Trump the only way to achieve that?

Do you really think with such a little time left until the election that a 3rd party candidate can win?

Do you really think there is even the most remote chance a write-in candidate now can or would be elected by the House of Representatives?  To me this extreme long shot will be realized only in our dreams. 

Is voting for Trump the only way to keep the Clintons out of the White House?

Is voting your "conscience" (meaning voting for the person you feel is truly the most qualified) more important than keeping the Clintons out of the White House? 

Someone, please save me from my fears!  If I have to pull the lever in favor of Trump I might get deathly ill!  He makes me sick!  But out of fear there is a strong possibility I will vote for Trump anyway.

Someone, please save me from my fears!

All of us should have been involved long ago!

I urge you to get involved and the best way I know is to take the courses for the Center for Self Governance, learn the Constitution and become part of a small team focused on a specific branch of government, local-State-or National.

Here is a link to the CSG where you can learn about classes in your area.

Center for Self-Governance

Here is a blog post I wrote on how to get involved.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Who I will vote for

The die is cast.  I have mailed in my early ballot with the following as my recommended choices.

President of the United States: Evan McMullan, write-in candidate
                     see Trick or Trump for my reasons for leaving Trump
                     some thoughts about Evan McMullan  CLICK HERE

US Senator:    John McCain, Republican (even though I am very very disappointed in him)

US Rep for Congress District 5:  Andy Biggs

State Senator:  There is only one person running, Juan Jose Mendez.  He is too liberal for me.  I will not vote for him so I guess I have no one to vote for.

State Rep Dist 26:  Steven Adkins is a good choice.

Corporation Commission:  Burns, Dunn, Tobin

County Bd of Supervisors:  Steve Chucri

County Assessor:  Paul Petersen

County Attorney:  Bill Montgomery

County Recorder:  Helen Purcell

County School Superintendent:  Steve Watson

Sheriff:  Joe Arpaio

County Treasure:  Royce Flora

Constable:  Ed Malles

Central Arizona Water Conservation District:  This is a very important position.  Please vote for the following:
              Francis, Mike
             Lewis, Mark
             Brown, Jen

Maricopa County Community College:    John B Heep

EVIT:    Dave Lane

Mesa Unif No 4:      Sears, Kiana Maria
                                 Hink, Dan
                                 Peterson, Steven J

Question 1:  Vote 'No' if you really care about police & fire

Vote:  "Yes" on all the judges EXCEPT FOR
                                     Garcia, Jeanne M.
                                     Gentry, Jo Lynn

Prop 205 Marijuana:  Vote "NO"   

Prop 206  Minimum Wage:  Vote "NO"

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How to become involved

All of us as citizens of the United States, residents of the State of Arizona and residents of the City of Mesa have agreed to the respective Social Contract that defines each level of government over the geographical jurisdiction in which we live.  Since our form of government is a Republic with balanced control between the governed and the governors, we need to understand how we can become involved in our Republic and make a difference.

You can stage protests on the steps of the Capital or go on long marches, but I really doubt these make any difference on public policy.  So what do we do?

There are different levels of involvement.

CIVIC DUTY:  It is our 'Civic Duty' to be governed by the laws ie obey the laws of the land.  This is the lowest level of involvement which if not done will ultimately land you in jail.


  • Vote:  Become a registered voter and vote in every election.  Those who do not register to vote or do not vote are not exercises their simplest of Civic Responsibilities and Liberties.  It demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the freedoms that we enjoy in America and how fragile they can be.  We are a Democracy on voting day. 
  • Educate yourself on the issues and candidates and vote intelligently
  • Sign petitions for those candidates or issues important to you.  Help pass petitions around
  • Participate in election campaigns to ensure good people are elected
I used to be the type of citizen who exercised his Civic Duty and Responsibility and passionately expressed my opinion as we sat around and pounded the kitchen table.  But exercising Civic Duty and Responsibility does not do much to make a difference.  I learning now how to make a difference because of two things.  1.  The Republican party nominated Donald Trump as their Republican candidate for President.  I dislike Trump so much and Hillary even more that I wondered how is it possible that two people who are hated by nearly every one be the only candidates for President--- surely there is more I can do.  2.  I started taking the Constitution classes from the Center for Self Governance which I highly recommend.  From the Center for Self Governance I learned Civic Authority includes.
  1. Recognize the boundaries within the 'system' (government)
  2. We the people of the responsibility to enforce the boundaries.
  3. Build relationships with people; the governed as well as the governors
  4. Harness political power with others to identify where boundaries are blurred or breached
  5. Harness political power with others through gaming and planning to enforce and maintain boundaries and implementing those plans on a daily basis.
Where Civic Authority is pretty much limited to election years, Civic Authority to truly make a difference must involve a game plan exercising political power every day of the year.  The following are some ideas stolen from the powerful lobbyist who are in fact exercising their 'Civic Authority' for selfish purposes usually to get gain.  You can exercise the same power on an individual basis to protect your freedoms.

Prepare yourself:
  1. Learn about the Constitution.  Listen to the videos offered by the National Center for Constitutional Studies and read some of their books.  Take the course offered by the Center for Self Governance.
  2. Decide which level of government you can impact the most.  The Federal Government is so far away, complex and out of control it is almost a hopeless case.  Your local municipality, County, or School Board is more practical because you might even know some of these people personally.
  3. Study the Legislative process for the level of government you selected.  Become familiar with how the elected officials are organized and governed (legislative, executive, judicial); terms of office, district maps, etc.
  4. Create a list of who's who for your selected branch of government.
  5. Build a relationship with the public officials in your branch of government
Join a team of like minded people:
Getting the change you want in public policy will occur most readily when you join with other people in coalition who are interested in many of the same things as you.  The Center for Self Governance is particularly keen on developing a Team pledged to each other to understand the Constitution, identify breeches in the Constitution and develop gaming plans to rectify those breeches.
  1. Identify a group who understands the Constitution.  This requires visiting other organizations, listening to people and feeling out where their interests are.
  2. Invite people to be part of a team.

Identify a Project
If you or a team are going to have an impact, you have to identify a specific issue or concern to work on.
  1. Review council or board agendas.  Identify an issue or person who is advocating causes you oppose.
  2. Look for allies.  Research the interests of your elected officials to find out if they have professional or personal ties to your interest or cause.
  3. Research everything you can find out about the person or issue and discuss with the Team.
Become of Voice for your Cause
  1. Identify other groups working on the same issue if possible and build a coalition.
  2. Become a source of reliable information.  Must be accurate.  Create a packet of information on your public policy agenda item.  Building credibility is vital to the long-term strength of your public policy efforts.  If you are not sure of your facts about the issue, don't fudge.  Get it right!
  3. Build a relationship with your elected officials or a key staff person.  Inform them of your game plan and work cooperatively with them if they are like minded, and work openly with those who do not agree with you.  Remember, most decisions are made well before council or board meetings!
Increase or sustain your advocacy
  1. Know the staff.  Often the staff of a legislator may be the most knowledgeable person in the legislator's office about your issue.  Find out staff or committee people who are working on your issue and get to know them.  Send them an information packet that you prepared.  Meet with them as appropriate.  Invite them to speak to your group.
  2. Use the Telephone.  Make telephone calls to your elected officials about pending legislation, regulations, or other priority public policy matters to describe how it will impact your issue.  
  3. Send a letter.  Each member of your team can send a letter at critical times.  You may have friends outside your Team that would be willing to send a letter.  (Be sure to thank them)  Recent surveys show that a well-written letter from a constituent is one of the most influential ways of communicating with an elected official.
  4. emails are not necessarily effective.
  5. Initiate grassroots support.  Write an action alert to your Team, neighbors, friends, etc urging them to a specific action.
  6. Seek for speaking opportunities with other political action groups in your area
  7. Testify at committees.  Remember, most decisions are made before an issue ever goes to the council, board or polls.  Find out when the appropriate committees in your political body meet on subjects related to your issue and give personal testimony.  Pick a member of your Team who is well informed and articulate!.  You better have your facts right or your opinion can be denigrated.
  8. Become a member of an appointed committee which deals with your issue.
  9. Meet with elected officials.  Convene a small meeting of key Team members with one of your elected officials to explain your goals.  Cover all the bases and work with all elected officials you can.  Get support on a one-on-one basis before they meet the public eye.
  10. Inform and Educate the public.  When you have success, document it!  Success brings credibility.  Write articles for public media or private distribution to let them know of your success.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Important Links

Learning the Constitution:     CENTER FOR SELF GOVERNANCE
                                                NATIONAL CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL STUDIES

Public Forum:                  FREEDOM EXCHANGE


                                   INTERACTIVE CHART OF FEDERAL SPENDING          


Monday, October 3, 2016

The Constitution: Do you understand it?

Follow this link for the Constitution: Click here=>  United States Constitution

The following are links to the best places I have found to understand the United States Constitution


The National Center for Constitutional Studies has free Constitutional Classes in the form of videos presented by Mr. Earl Taylor.  There are also inexpensive books that are worth reading.  I highly recommend becoming familiar with this site if you want to understand the Constitution.

Most people do not realize the form of our government is a Republic not a Democracy.  The Center for Self Governance offers instructions on the constitution as well as teaches what it means to have a Republic.

SELF-GOVERNANCE is "A self-determined person exercising individual liberty for the maintenance and shared control of the governance system".

 The foundation of self-governance is that the control of a system of government is in the hands of those that build and maintain it.  Self-governance is not completely self-evident, but must be learned. 

The Center for Self-Governance offers amazing classes at a nominal fee to teach the Constitution as well as how to maintain the unique "System" of government we have.  I highly recommend these classes to you as they will give you the know-how and power to truly make changes in your government and maintain the Republic through strategic planning.  If you take the courses, and choose to do so, you will be able to participate as a team in your neighborhood or community to exercise your Civic Authority in amazing ways.

Get more information about them and learn when and where their training will occur in your area.


If you are ready to become part of a Team in your area and really make a difference, check out their schedule of classes in your area and if you are interested in checking out our team in Mesa, Arizona, send me a message at   defenditnow@gmail.com

AZ Prop 206 Raise Minimum Wage?

I provide some BACKGROUND on this initiative followed by my ANALYSIS and OPINION

"yes" vote supports this measure to raise the minimum wage to $10 in 2017, and then incrementally to $12 by 2020, and to create a right to paid sick time off from employment.

"no" vote opposes this measure, keeping the minimum wage at $8.05, adjusted for cost of living, and retaining employers' ability to decide whether or not to offer paid sick time off.

The actual text of Prop 206 can be found here:  PROPOSITION 206

A quick start to understanding this proposition can be found at ballotpedia.org 
The following is a summary:
Starting in 2021, Proposition 206 would increase the minimum wage with the cost of living.[1][2]
The measure retains Arizona's law regarding tipping, which permits employers to pay employees who receive tips up to $3.00 less than the minimum wage.
Proposition 206 would also guarantee 40 hours of annual paid sick time to employees of large businesses and 24 hours to those of small businesses. Employees would be entitled to accrue one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked. The measure would permit earned paid sick time to be utilized for an employee’s medical care, an employee’s need to care for a family member, a public health emergency, or addressing domestic violence.
A “yes” vote shall have the effect of increasing the minimum wage from $8.05 per hour in 2016 to $10.00 per hour in 2017, and then incrementally increasing the minimum wage to $12.00 per hour by the year 2020; entitles employees to earn 1 hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked with limits based upon the size of the employer; broadly defining the conditions under which paid sick time may be taken, including mental or physical illness, care of a family member, a public health emergency, or absence due to domestic violence, sexual violence, abuse or stalking; prohibiting various forms of retaliation against employees for exercising any rights under the law; and requiring employers to provide various notices to employees about the law.
A “no” vote shall have the effect of retaining the existing minimum wage (along with the existing method for annually increasing the minimum wage for inflation) and retaining employers’ existing ability to determine their own earned paid sick leave policy
According to the Arizona Department of Administration, 706,845 workers earned a wage of $12.00 or less during 2015.
The committee warns that increasing the minimum wage could increase labor costs for employers, who would pass on costs as price increases to consumers or decrease employment. However, the committee also notes that research on how minimum wage increases impact employment often contradict. Therefore, "the impact that Proposition 206’s minimum wage increases would have on employment in Arizona is highly uncertain."
It is interesting to note the top 3 financial donors in support of Prop 206 are:
LUCHA $1,000,000             The Fairness Project $300,000     UFCW  $25,000
LUCHA is "Living United for Change in Arizona" is primarily a group organized to help Latino social causes.
The Fairness Project is a group organized to address minority social issues through state ballot initiatives across the United States.
UFCW is United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Are some well written opinions both in favor and in opposition at  Ballotpedia
Without hesitation I recommend VOTE NO.
1.  The State should not interfere with the free market economy.  There are better ways to deal with poverty than to take further steps in the direction of a Socialist agenda where big government controls everything.  Artificially inflating labor costs will force business owners to lay off workers, reduce hours or increase prices. 
2.  Labor Unions push Prop 206 because Prop 206 would not apply to Union Workers.
Under Proposition 206, if a business agrees to be unionized, it would not have to pay the minimum wage or comply with the paid sick time requirements. They will be exempt, just like the unions. Guess who will collect more union dues out of the union worker paychecks? You guessed it: the union bosses.  If passed, the very people the proposition’s out-of-state labor union supporters claim to help will be the most harmed. The poor, young people and those with few skills who would benefit most from an entry-level job will find themselves shut out of the job market as employers will have fewer dollars to devote to new hires.

3.  Proposition 206 is 20 pages long with language that is difficult to understand and will surely be twisted, contested and fail to accomplish its purposes

The foundation principle used by those who push this type agenda is that there is Inequality in America!  Hillary Clinton's focus is to soak the rich and give to the poor, because there is Inequality in America.  Read this article from the Cato Institute  that debunks this theory.

For those who want to pass Prop 206, I would ask if raising minimum wage is so good, why stop at $12 per hour?  Let's make minimum wage high enough that a person can make a decent wage.  Why not make minimum wage $20 per hour or maybe even $30 per hour?  Why wouldn't you do that?  The reasons are obvious.
1.  The people you are trying to help will loose their jobs because no employer can afford to hire them.
2.  If businesses raise the price of products to cover the cost of higher minimum wage, nobody can afford to buy the product--the business fails and the people you are trying to help loose their jobs.

The truth is that in a Free Market economy there will always be Inequality.  Inequality is not a bad thing. The Free Market economy is the only way we are going to be able to raise up the poor.  If there were no motivation to climb the economic ladder, there would be no inventors, no innovators, no risk takers, no freedom to try and no freedom to succeed or fail.

The result of achieving "Equality in America" is to make everyone equally poor!

Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy.[4] (Wikipedia)

Type the name Milton Friedman into Google and watch any of his lectures on youtube.  He masterfully defends the virtues of a Free Market Economy.

AZ Prop 205 Legalize Recreational Marijuana

A yes vote on Prop 205 would have the effect of legalizing recreational marijuana in the State of Arizona.  

A 'No' vote on Prop 205 is so obvious I am amazed it is even on the ballot or that I would need to convince anyone to vote against 205.  If you want to legalize marijuana, then there probably isn't anything I could say to convince you otherwise anyway.

This proposition is promoted by big businesses that stand to get rich selling marijuana in many forms (smoking, food, ‘gummy bears’ that look like candy, etc) at the expense of our health, safety and morals.  No responsible parent wants marijuana to be more readily available to kids which is what will happen if it is legalized. 

Will our neighborhoods be safer?  Of course not!  Proponents argue drug cartels are going to somehow disappear if we legalize marijuana.  The truth is the drug cartels can hardly wait to legalize marijuana.  They will openly sale marijuana, the ‘gateway’ drug to other more harmful illegal drugs, to a growing list of marijuana users making the demand for their underground operations  for other drugs more lucrative and our neighborhoods more dangerous.   Also, marijuana does in fact contribute to auto accidents on our roads.  Therefore, more marijuana means more accidents and more dangerous roads.

Will legal marijuana produce more money for schools?  Prop 205 creates an entirely new government bureaucracy which has 1st dib’s to any money.  If there is any money that trickles down to education, the cost in terms of dropout youth not completing their education far exceeds any minuscule benefit. 

Recreational marijuana is a moral issue because it violates natural laws of good health, is pushed by conniving conspiring men to enslave people to addictive drugs and would harm our society in numerous ways especially the youth, our next generation.

Vote "NO" and let the State protect the morals of the people!

See the following discussion on protecting the morals of the people.